Saturday, December 24, 2011

Where Are You…

So, what says Christmas to you? What is that one thing that just gets you in the holiday spirit? These days it is so easy to get caught up in the shopping and all of the decorations that are mass produced. Who has more lights on their house or who has the most packages under the tree. Or my personal favorite, is it Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

I wrote a Christmas post the other night and thought that is it! I got it!  Yet here it is two days before Christmas and I am writing it all over again. I have gone back to my original post several times to make changes, but no matter what I have not been happy with it. It just does not say Christmas to me.
The other day my husband had told me he was having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. He told me he has been watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music to try and get him into the spirit. I had not really thought about it until he said something but for some reason this year it just isn’t happening for me either. Who knows why or what the reason is, it is what it is. I have tried baking, cooking, decorating, craft projects, you name it I have probably tried it.
The other night while out shopping I was listening to the other shoppers talk as we would pass by them. All I heard were people talking about how they are going to this place or buying that.  The stores are filled with people shopping for the holiday, but what does the holiday really mean to them?

Is this just not the most amazing place to watch the sun set?
My husband and I went to the beach the other night to watch the sunset before we made our trek into the stores to start our shopping. While sitting there watching these amazing waves crash to shore onto the rocks I thought what is Christmas to me?

Why is everyone in the spirit but me? Why couldn’t I figure out what Christmas meant to me? What did I look forward to every year for Christmas? Was it the gifts? Oh come on we can all be a bit materialistic at times, be honest. Could it be the decorations I looked forward to each year, like seeing old friends? Or was it spending time with family and planning the perfect practical joke to play on someone?
My family, many years ago.

Last night I was standing outside on the deck looking up at the stars thinking about Christmas. I was thinking about a woman traveling with her husband looking for a place to stay for the night out of the cold. I was thinking about how that little baby in her tummy was going to save us all. I went back into the house thankful that there was a warm fire to warm my cold self and that my family was all gathered around watching television, putting puzzles together and playing games.
I was no longer wondering where my Christmas spirit was. It had been here all along, I just needed to remember.
From my heart to yours I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Love ‘n’ hugs y’all!

Want to enjoy your holiday a bit more check this recipe out and don't worry you have all the ingredients already. You have to trust me on this one, you are going to love it!
  1. Stop what you are doing. Really just stop. There is nothing more important to you than your family, right? So, just stop. I find many times we are so caught up in our own schedule of what we think a perfect holiday should be that we end up disappointed. So, just stop.
  2. Go get a cup of tea, eggnog, or just go straight for the coffee and Kahlua.
  3. Find a nice comfy place to sit so you can see what is going on.
  4. Then sit. That’s it, just sit.
  5. Now, listen to your family and friends talking, playing with toys or playing games, whatever. Just listen.
You might find that you are soon out of coffee and having a really great conversation with someone you haven’t seen in a while.
Now, stop talking to yourself and go get dinner started. And please stop taking things so seriously, really.

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